Go Back and Get It: A Love Letter from Youthkind to Humanity

is an ensouling exhibition that shines a spotlight on the unique tales of young people as they navigate through the digital world. These stories, filled with truth and hope, offer a glimpse into the hearts and minds of the next generation, revealing their aspirations for the world and their place within it.

At the core of this display lies a powerful symbol – the connection between our past and future. The stories shared by these young people serve as a bridge, linking our history to the limitless possibilities of tomorrow. By embracing and elevating their voices, we create a stunning tapestry of intergenerational understanding and a shared vision for a better world. 

Join us on this journey, and celebrate with us the beauty, resilience, and limitless potential of youthkind and discover how their stories can inspire us all to imagine, and create, a brighter future. For interaction, move the images around! 

Co-created and curated by Sabrina Abdalla, Her Place Is In founders, Briana Gardener & Michelle Singleton, responses from Headstreams 2022 Youth Advisors.